
From a young age, I had an interest in the interaction between people and the environment around them. As a keen observer, I noticed how spaces, furniture and devices can impact on wellbeing. This translated into a desire to help improve people’s quality of life through design and innovation; to create products that have a positive impact and make life better for everyone.

With a background in medicine, human factors and an eye for design and technology, my passions came together in my ideal job as UX designer and researcher. This fusion of medicine, technology, and creativity allows me to design new experiences that are solution focused and truly connect with people. I believe a design that understands the way people relate to their world can make their life better, healthier and happier.

My route to this began with a Bachelors Degree in Medical Science in Uruguay, my home country, at Universidad de la Republica along with an Associate Degree in Industrial design at Universidad ORT. Subsequently, I moved to Corvallis in Oregon in 2009 where I gained a Master of Arts in Design and Human Environment, with a minor in Human Factors (Industrial Engineering) from Oregon State University. My thesis research was on developing efficient medical instruments that facilitate the use and storage of digital data from the medical exam into the patient records. During this time I worked as a the graphic designer and photographer for the School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

With a passion for education, I later worked as an instructor for the School of Design and Human Environment, and the school of Mechanical Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (MIME) at OSU teaching visual design communication . Subsequently, I worked at as a Faculty Research Assistant at the school of MIME while also working as a freelance designer and researcher.

Since returning to Uruguay, along with my consultancy work, I also work with LUMA Institute, helping South American teams and organizations to become more innovative through the discipline of Human-Centered Design. Public workshops are comming soon so watch this space! 

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